Over the years A.P.P.L.E has opened the floor to many influential Oak Park professionals that are child advocates. These amazing people hundreds of children in Oak Park and Austin area. They make an apperance every year at A.P.P.L.E.
Joie Pierce
Ms. Pierce is a staple in the Oak Park and Austin community. She heads up several youth programs.
The American Spelling Bee
Junior Achievement
Parents Who Care
American Women of Austin
Easter Seals
Joie Pierce is real contribution to the community as well as the children. She fought to keep the doors of the Austin Town Hall open and won!
Dr. Derrick Johnson LCPC
Dr. Johnson is a certified life coach. He speaks to the children and parents every year on the importance of having your own personal cheer leader.
Don't miss hearing him speak on his success with oprfhs students and families.
Dr. Edyth Young
Dr. Young is a reading specialist that has the tools and special keys to unlock reading comprehension for any student. Dr. Young has a 100% success rate of turning scores around. She has a real love of learning and a real love for teaching students.
Don't miss seeing her speak and getting tutoring information for the school year.